Join the RAV Treble Chorus!

We are a treble voice ensemble that exists to create a safe and welcoming space for community, inclusion, and unification within the LGBTQ+ and Allies singing community. We invite anyone, regardless of gender identity or expression, to join our group at any time. Our music is generally in the soprano/alto vocal range; however, we occasionally sing soprano/alto/tenor music because we have some wonderfully low altos who sing with us!

Frequently Asked Questions

When and where are rehearsals?

We rehearse weekly between the months of September and May. You are more than welcome to come sit in on a rehearsal to see if we are the right chorus for you! Contact Erin Wind, Director, for details.

Do I have to audition?

No, we are a non-auditioned chorus. The director will do a voice placement that involves singing a few warmups and scales to determine your section of the chorus. You do not have to sing alone in the voice placement if that is uncomfortable for you.

I am a trans man / trans woman / non-binary / gender-fluid person who loves singing treble music, am I welcome to join?

Yes, you are very welcome to join! Our membership is not exclusive to female-identifying people, and we welcome individuals regardless of their gender identity or expression. We are a treble chorus, which means we sing music in the soprano and alto ranges. The alto range for much of our music goes from as low as D3 (the middle line on the bass staff) up to D5 (the 4th line on the treble staff), while the upper soprano voices go as high as G5 (the space above the treble staff). Even if you have trouble hitting some of the upper notes, we love having the support and extra power on the lower notes. If you are looking to shift your singing voice to a different range, we can talk about this individually.

What kind of music do you perform?

We perform a wide variety of music ranging everywhere from traditional choral to contemporary. We are primarily a treble voice chorus, but occasionally when we have enough altos with low ranges, we venture into the high SAT/SATB range.

What happens if I miss a rehearsal?

Attending nearly all rehearsals is important for learning your part and for our cohesiveness as a group, but we know that people have competing stressors in their schedules. If you must miss one, please email the director and section leader to let us know. Often, you can catch up just by coming the next week. If you miss quite frequently however, you might find that you feel underprepared for the performance.

Do I have to know how to read music?

We welcome everyone regardless of whether you have been singing for your entire life or if you are just now getting started. If you sing with us, your singing and music reading skills will become stronger no matter your current level. Each season, we provide rehearsal CDs/MP3s that have all of the music by voice part to help you learn your notes. The director will also send out recordings of the music in a YouTube playlist so you can hear the music sung by a live chorus. Additionally, each of the sections has voluntary sectional rehearsals during the week that are especially helpful for those who do not read music.

Is there a cost to joining?

Richmond Allied Voices has annual dues that total $125 for the entire year. This covers the music, the royalties, the director, the accompanist, the venue, membership in GALA and other costs of the organization. If anyone is experiencing hard times, payment schedules and partial waivers are also available. The most important thing is that you can join with us in song! Members who bring a new member to the chorus receive a $25 discount.

What does the chorus wear for concerts?

For our Holiday concert and Spring concert we wear concert black. This is defined as black pants/skirt, a black top (avoiding sleeveless tops), with black shoes and socks/stockings. For all other concerts, the dress is usually casual. All singers may wear whatever style of clothing that fits their gender identity and expression.

Do I have to buy my own music?

No, we provide resources including rehearsal MP3s/CDs, sectional rehearsals, and even one-on-one time with our director before rehearsals if you would like!

What happens in rehearsals?

Although sometimes there are announcements and other business discussions during rehearsal, most of our time together is spent actually learning the music and singing. Our director has a particular passion for vocal production, so you will also learn a lot about your voice and how it works.

How big is the chorus?

Our size varies from season to season. Currently our membership is between 35-40 and growing!