Join the Richmond Men’s Chorus!
“This is my brotherhood, my safe place, my family.”
We are a community of 30 to 40 members, now celebrating 20 years together, and always looking for more singers to join our group!
We at the Richmond Men’s Chorus greatly enjoy sharing our singing talents with Richmond and its surrounding communities! In addition to performing 2 major concerts each year, the chorus gives numerous public and private performances, including three past performances of the National Anthem at Richmond Flying Squirrels games, and we also continue to develop our musical outreach to senior living facilities in the central Virginia area.
Frequently Asked Questions
When and where are rehearsals?
RMC is currently rehearsing weekly for the Spring 2022 season! If you’re interested in attending, please contact Christopher Reynolds, Director, for details.
On a typical year, we begin our Fall season in late August and continue all the way through to our Spring concert. If you would like to check us out, you are welcome to sit in on a rehearsal to see if we are the right chorus for you! Contact us and we’d be happy to have you join us for a day. Please check back again for updated times and locations as we explore the new year ahead!
What happens if I miss a rehearsal?
We would love it if you can make every rehearsal! But we understand that sometimes your schedule could be far too packed. For this reason, each week, the Director sends an email to chorus members telling them the pieces we will be working on that week. If you are going to miss a rehearsal, you can work on the sections on your own. Often, you can catch up just by coming in the next week.
Is this a gay chorus?
We are a diverse chorus and welcome all singers, regardless of sexual orientation. We are a member of GALA, the Gay and Lesbian Association of Choruses. Our mission is to provide musical excellence to inspire, entertain, educate, and unite our communities. We welcome anyone within the wide spectrum of the LGBT+ community and deeply enjoy meeting people of all walks of life.
Do I have to audition?
You may be happy to learn that we are a non-audition chorus! After you have sung with us once or twice, our Director might ask you to sing a little bit so that you can be placed in the correct voice part.
Do I have to know how to read music?
Many of our members do know how to read music and are happy to help others learn. If you sing with us, your singing skills will get stronger, no matter what your current level is. Each season, we get a rehearsal CD that has all of the music on it by voice part. Sometimes, the sections have “sectional rehearsals” during the week. These are voluntary, but very helpful especially for those who do not read music. Also, there are copies of many of the songs we perform on YouTube or other locations on the web so you will definitely have lots of sources to choose from when learning a song.
Is there a cost to joining?
Richmond Allied Voices has “Annual Dues” that members in all three choruses contribute to! They are a total of $125 for the entire year. This covers the music, the royalties, the director, the accompanist, the venue, membership in GALA (read on to hear about them!) and other costs of the organization. If anyone is experiencing hard times, payment schedules and partial waivers are also available (you can read more about that here). The most important thing is that you can join us together in song! And with that in mind, members who bring a new member to the chorus receive a $25 discount.
What does the chorus wear for concerts?
Concert attire is determined by the Artistic Director based on the theme and venue of the concert. Examples of past concert attire include tuxedos, khakis and polo shirts, and khakis with blazers, or shirts and ties. Occasionally concert attire is in keeping with the theme of the concert. Every effort is made to choose attire that is affordable and available for all.
Do I have to buy my own music?
You do not need to buy your own music! As long as you return the music we give you at the end of each season, you are A-OK! We respectfully ask that you use pencil to mark your music during rehearsals and do not hole -punch the music. If you do not return the music, you will be billed for the cost, including shipping and handling costs.
Are there any other costs?
Many of our members use a music folder for the concert performance, which can cost $ 20-30. But there are definitely less expensive alternative available around!
What happens in rehearsals?
Although sometimes there are announcements and other business discussions during rehearsal, most of our time together is spent actually learning and singing! Please bring a pencil to mark the instructions given during rehearsal. Some members are challenged with allergies and chemical sensitivity, so we ask that members do not wear strong scents, colognes or smoky clothing to rehearsal or concerts. It is expected that everyone practice good hygiene. :)